Showing 6 Result(s)

In the Mood for Swiss Enchiladas

As we all know enchiladas are usually made with a chile-based sauce; enchiladas rojas with tomatoes, enchiladas verdes with tomatillos, enchiladas de mole with mole, and so forth. These enchiladas however, not only have a cream-based sauce, and the chile is just a flavoring, but are also baked! Things have changed very much since I …

Pork and Turkey Dish


The first Spaniards to be introduced to the turkey in 1511, were the castaways of the caravel “Santa Lucía” during a voyage from St. Maria of Darien, a colony situated between Panama and Colombia, and the island of “La Española”, currently known as Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The commanders Guerrero and Aguilar were greeted …


Pozole Tricolor

Pozole, a heartening soup and a favorite dish for people coming out late in the evening from the theater or a nightclub or, better, to cure a terrible hangover, originated in the state of Jalisco, where they use pork instead of chicken. Here’s a little more history: Background: Pre-Hispanic origin, prepared with cacahuazintle corn, pork …

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