
My Culinary Tour to Baja

Todos Santos Cooking Adventures Week

November 6-12, 2011

Todos Santos Montage

This Baja vacation is perfect for food lovers who prefer that their culinary explorations begin with the people who grow and catch their food. The tour is also designed for those who enjoy nature where the desert meets the ocean, or for anyone who wants to get away from the daily grind and enjoy a relaxing week of fine food, stunning views, and great company.

This one-week, all-inclusive tour* includes visits to tortillerias, organic farms, cactus sanctuaries, chile fields, mountain villages, beaches, and nature trails, plus hands-on cooking demonstrations and wonderful food. Optional activities include fishing, surfing, art gallery tours, and visits to La Paz or Cabo San Lucas. The tour is limited to just 20 people and is restricted to adults only.

Baja California SurThe tour is based in the town of Todos Santos in Baja California Sur, midway between Cabo San Lucas and La Paz on the Pacific Coast. We will be staying at the historic Hotel California, which first opened in 1950. The town has a population of about 5,000, and is an art colony that was founded as a mission in 1723. Todos Santos is not over-developed like Cabo San Lucas. It has no time shares, no strip clubs, no jet skis, no beach vendors, no traffic, no high-rise hotels or condos. Instead, the town has a single stop light and a relaxed, casual pace—with all the amenities for an enjoyable visit.

Todos Santos Cooking Adventures Week will be led by Dave DeWitt and Mary Jane Wilan in cooperation with Todos Santos Eco Adventures, the Hotel California with its two restaurants and renowned chef Dany Lamote.  Read more here.

*Airfare is not included.

AboutDave Dewitt

Dave is known in the media as "The Pope of Peppers" because of the 36 books he's written on chile peppers and spicy food around the world. He's also co-producer of the National Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show and editor and publisher of the Fiery Foods & Barbecue SuperSite at His latest book, with chile breeder Dr. Paul Bosland, is The Complete Chile Pepper Book.

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