We are so fortunate to have Dave DeWitt as our first author at our MexGrocer.com Blog. From the very first conversation, we hit it to a great start. Found that we compliment each other on what we do and admire the work each of us has achieved over the years. Therefore, it was a no brainer to collaborate, and that we will… on many fronts, that is.
For over 30 years, Dave DeWitt has accomplished researching everything about the chile pepper and spicy foods. From writing magazine and newspaper articles, to writing (now) 36 books on the topic. But that’s not all, he’s also into Twitter at @FieryFoods and YouTube, and almost everything you can think of, to be in touch with the community of afficionados that share the same passion for cooking with chiles.
Dave will be sharing with you stories and recipes, as well as reviewing products sold at MexGrocer.com and letting you know which are spicy and others that are not. So, enjoy and please comment below if you would like Dave to talk about anything special.
Dave DeWitt is a COOL Hot Pepper