
Fiery Foods Now Available Worldwide

Popular Plates Fiery Foods CoverMail-Order Copies Now Available!

My popular bookazine on chile peppers and fiery foods will be on the newsstands of all the big box stores for another month, but for convenience it is now available for ordering single copies internationally, or a 9-issue subscription to Popular Plates, the real name of the magazine.  There are many foods covered in the single-subject ongoing series, like grilling, barbecue, pizza, and my forthcoming title in October, Popular Plates Soups & Stews.

To order your copy both domestically and internationally, go to the Popular Plates website, here.

AboutDave Dewitt

Dave is known in the media as "The Pope of Peppers" because of the 36 books he's written on chile peppers and spicy food around the world. He's also co-producer of the National Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show and editor and publisher of the Fiery Foods & Barbecue SuperSite at His latest book, with chile breeder Dr. Paul Bosland, is The Complete Chile Pepper Book.

1 Comment

  1. I am a long time fan of your chile pepper series of books, chile pepper magazine and i would like to subscribe to fiery foods but the link above just takes me to car and motorcycle magazines.

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