Showing 8 Result(s)

The Great Montezuma Holiday Drink

The Great Montezuma Hot Chocolate Drink My friend Richard Sterling developed this recipe, which is his version of how the Spaniards transformed Montezuma’s favorite spicy beverage with the addition of alcohol. He commented: “¡Salud! Drink to the Old World and the New.”  It’s perfect for the holiday season! 12 ounces prepared hot chocolate (not too …


Leaping Into 2012

Well, we’re about to leap into 2012, which is a leap year, so I guess some celebrating is in order. But first, some comments about celebrations on the New Year’s Eve from some wise philosophers. “I’m not a drinker,” said Woody Allen, “my body won’t tolerate spirits, really. I had two martinis New Year’s Eve …


A Tequila Toast to the New Year!

Well, another year is coming to a close, and there’s nothing better than tequila to usher in the New Year.  From all of us here at the MexGrocer Blog, we wish you a happy and tasty 2011.  Oh, and don’t forget to add some chile to those tequila drinks! Tequila Enchilado (Chilied Tequila) This recipe …


Margarita Man

The 50th anniversary of the margarita was the Fourth of July, 1992, according to Francisco “Pancho” Morales’s calculations. Pancho should know. He invented the drink–no matter what anyone else says. Claims to the origin of the margarita are as common as Elvis sightings. Some stories say that the margarita was created by a bartender at …


At Home Coffee House Mocha

SuperSite food editor Emily DeWitt writes: Four dollars for a mocha? I don’t think so. Make a coffee house mocha at home. For a stronger coffee taste substitute the brewed coffee with 4 shots of brewed espresso. You can find the Chocolate Drink Mix at 3 cups milk 1 cup of brewed coffee 1 …


Spicy Drinks for New Year’s

Many people compose their New Year’s Resolutions at this time of the year, but I prefer New Year’s Revolutions: hot and spicy drinks to celebrate in a toast to the coming year, which I vow to make the best year of my life.  Yes, yes, I’ve been known to be infected with PMA: Positive Mental …

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