Showing 5 Result(s)

In the Mood for Swiss Enchiladas

As we all know enchiladas are usually made with a chile-based sauce; enchiladas rojas with tomatoes, enchiladas verdes with tomatillos, enchiladas de mole with mole, and so forth. These enchiladas however, not only have a cream-based sauce, and the chile is just a flavoring, but are also baked! Things have changed very much since I …

Pork and Turkey Dish


The first Spaniards to be introduced to the turkey in 1511, were the castaways of the caravel “Santa Lucía” during a voyage from St. Maria of Darien, a colony situated between Panama and Colombia, and the island of “La Española”, currently known as Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The commanders Guerrero and Aguilar were greeted …


Two Opinions of Food in Mexico in the 1880s

Everybody in Mexico is said to eat tortillas, and their preparation, which is always assigned to the women, seems to employ their whole time, “to the exclusion of any care of the dwelling, their children, or themselves.” Foreigners, especially Americans, find them detestable. Another standard article of Mexican diet is boiled beans (frijoles). Meat is …

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